
오늘의 엄마표 영어 콘텐츠는

brush your teeth를 주제로

이빨 'teeth' 단어에 대해 익히고

가사반복을 통하여

up and down / right left / round 등에관한

이닦기를 하며 나올 수 있는 행동에대한

동사도 익힐 수 있습니다 


▲클릭하시면 노래동영상 바로 연결됩니다

활동지 컬러링 밖에없네요
그래도 아이들과함께 색칠하며
brush teeth라는 단어를 익숙하게 해주면 
아이가 자연스레 받아들일 수 있을것 같습니다! 


A4사이즈로 색칠공부할수있는 종이가 나옵니다

아이영어교육 힘내세요! 


Brush your teeth up and down.
Brush your teeth round and round.
Brush your teeth from left to right.
Brush your teeth in the morning and night.

Brush brush brush.
Brush brush brush.
Brush your teeth in the morning and night.

Brush your teeth to keep them white.
Brush your teeth so your smile is bright.
Brush your teeth. It’s so much fun.
Brush your teeth when the day’s begun.

Brush brush brush.
Brush brush brush.
Brush your teeth when the day’s begun.

Brush your teeth, just open wide.
Brush your teeth from side to side.
Brush your teeth you sleepy head.
Brush your teeth before you go to bed.

Brush brush brush.
Brush brush brush.
Brush your teeth before you go to bed

*Super simple song 출처



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